Who We Are

Mission Statement:

United to ensure high standards of health and safety in our schools, for all children and those who educate them.

We are concerned parents, teachers, community members, scientists, experts, public figures and environmental groups from across the U.S. We are facing an environmental issue at the Malibu schools that dates back to the summer of 2010. We fear that we might be unknowingly putting our children and ourselves at risk. Some of us have no other choices for schools. Many of us want no other choice. Our children love their schools, love their teachers and love their friends.

With responsibility and grace, our various interest groups have decided to unite to achieve a common goal: ensuring a healthy school environment for all children in all schools and the teachers who educate them.

Each generation is charged with cleaning up the mistakes of past generations, so that future generations can thrive. We believe we owe it to our children to do what we can, within our means, to guarantee them a healthy and successful future.

What better legacy can we leave our children and our grandchildren than the chance for a healthy future? United and together, we can achieve this goal.


Our Local Goals
1. Campus-wide testing of soil and classrooms at MHS and JC

2. Independent oversight of testing

3. Community input in assessment, planning, testing, and remediation

4. Increased transparency and full disclosure

5. Successful representation for Malibu within SMMUSD

Our National Goals
1. To author and advocate for a Parent Right to Know Law.

2. Advocate for policy change with EPA and other government agencies regarding PCB and other toxins in schools to give communities options to achieve a toxin-free campus.

3. Unite resources to assist other schools through contaminant issues.