Parent’s Voices to Malibu City Council

Dear City Council Members,

I would like to add my voice to what I know is a growing chorus of concerned parents exhorting you to take action on behalf of our kids. My wife Melissa and I have a son going into 7th grade at MHS. Due to concerns about the safety of his 6th grade classrooms, he spent most of last year being taught at Juan Cabrillo. Can you imagine how sickened we were to learn that he was moved into a room whose toxicity is among the worst in the nation? Worse than the class from which he was removed. And this fact had to be uncovered by Malibu Unites because the SM-MUSD wouldn’t pay to test the caulk. Outrageous.
To add insult to injury, Sandra Lyon has the gall to respond to this revelation with a complaint that the Juan Cabrillo samples were taken “surreptitiously.” Who cares? Our classrooms are toxic. A year has been lost. It’s time for you all to do the right thing, and help us realize these four goals:
1. Provide a PCB-free alternative for students and teachers, effective August 19 while:
2. testing caulk in all pre-1979 classrooms ( test sources) ( this was EPA’s request in their Jan 27th letter to Lyon)
3. Remove all PCBs that violate TSCA (50ppm) ( in Jan 27th EPA letter )
4. Re/ allocate Bond BB and ES to remediate or build classrooms free of toxic chemicals like PCB, lead, asbestos as the bond measure was original designed for

Thanking you in advance for your efforts to keep our students and educators safe,
Joshua Malina
Dear Malibu City Council Members,

Each one of you has an exceptionally rare opportunity to become a hero, right this second. A hero to some of us, to your children, and most of all-to yourself.
This tide of emails and other expressions of concern and displeasure grow exponentially towards a tipping point - but you can still change it all.
How? All it takes is the courage to reconsider, to allow another point of view, open to more compassionate, and really hear… and change course. One way or another-we have all done this before.
You are big enough, talented enough and empowered to change this course of events towards the optimal one, and many will admire you for it.
How would you want to be remembered?
Uzi Eliahou