Well Done. Your dedication and leadership has been amazing. Malibu Unites has a mission we can all stand behind. (MHS Parent)
I just want to thank you for all the work you have been doing. I truly appreciate all the time and energy etc you have put into this. You are amazing and I also appreciate you keeping us in the loop!! -(MHS Parent)
Thank you so much for raising your voice and for representing all of us. Your summary here is dead on and accurately represents the sentiments of the parents and community. It has been 5 months with no new information, no testing at Juan Cabrillo whatsoever and flawed and therefor failed testing at The High School. The district should be embarrassed. A manuscript on how not to handle things with honesty, integrity and efficiency. For every day they delay, they continue to put our children at risk. Inexcusable. (Juan Cabrillo Parent)
I joined Malibu Unites yesterday online, so I am officially a supporter of the cause!
Just wanted to mention that You inspire me with your boundless energy and commitment to our
children and the community. Thank you! I am proud to say you are my friend. Arizona’s loss is
certainly CA’s gain. (MHS Parent)
Great letter! We need everyone writing letters and applying pressure for answers and answers now! -(MHS parent)
You are doing an amazing job in this position. We are all so lucky to have you on the task force. - (MHS Parent)
My answer in poll question #4 was for you, in thanking you for all you’ve done. peace and smiles, -(MHS parent)
I just visited the website. Wow! What an amazing job. I can’t wait until others see it. You have renewed my hope in all this! Thanks! You really are a hero in all this! (MHS Teacher)
Thank you for tirelessly campaigning for our children during these recent environmentally tough times. You are is driven and well-intentioned. You will be a valuable asset to get the EPA/ DTSC involved in this fight to protect our children. Thank you -(MHS Parent)
Hi - Yes, thank you for all you’re doing!! You’re amazing! -(Juan Cabrillo Parent)
Bless your soul! Thank you again for taking this on. -(MHS Parent)
First of all, let me tell you how impressed I am with your ability to influence and inform the committee yesterday. Good luck and keep in touch. -(PHD Environmental)
Thank you, again, for your continued efforts. I cannot express how much I appreciate your diligence. Good luck today.- (MHS Teacher)
I can’t tell you how important you, and your talents, are in this fight. What a terrific team y’all are building. Dang I love it when the civilians get empowered. It’s just wonderful for our young country.-(public figure)
Wow I literally just got chills! Awesome! No one can get things done like you! If they only knew you like your friends knew you. Proud of you girl! -(MHS Parent)
You do not have any idea how lucky we are to have you so involved. You remind me a lot of me when I get really involved in a cause and it makes me feel so much better knowing you are looking out for all of us and our kids! - (MHS Parent)
Thanks so much for all the time and effort you are putting into researching this and supporting the teachers. -(MHS Teacher)
You are beautiful and courageous! Thank you for all you do! - (MHS parent)
Your encouraging words mean a lot, and how beautifully phrased! This is all so crazy! I also have faith that God will guide us in the right direction. Thanks for your leadership and optimism. -(MHS Teacher)
Job well done! “The truth will out...” -from William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice - (Government Agency)
Just read through this all. I can’t thank you enough for all you are doing.- (MHS Parent)
Yes, kudos to you! You did a fantastic job & I am grateful! -(MHS Staff)
Just wanted to thank you for doing such a great job. Seriously, you’ve been a very good leader and I hope you run for city council next. -( Juan Cabrillo Parent)
“If it wasn’t for Jennifer, we wouldn’t be here.” - (EPA)
In case you forgot overnight, your AWESOME!!!! - (community leader)
You are so fabulous…Thanks for answering my many questions!! I feel better knowing you are watching out for all of our kids. - (MHS Parent)
The teachers all trust you and appreciate your knowledge on the subject. Thank you for standing up for all of us. -(MHS Teacher)
Thanks for all the time you volunteer for this and for us!!! - (MHS Parent)
Thank you both again a million times for all your hard work!!!!! Happy holidays to your whole families, and I love you both to Reese’s Pieces!!!! - (MHS Parent)
I just wanted you to know that the teacher love you and feel like you are on their side. -( MHS Teacher)
Thank you for being here tonight. I appreciate all you have done and are doing! -(SMMUSD Senior Staff)
You have gotten a graduate degree in 2 months. I am very proud of you! -(MHS Parent and PHD)
I’ve been reading Wiggio. You really are a hero in all of this. You are staying level-headed, working very hard, and being considerate of ALL sides in this thing. Again, I appreciate your dedication to getting to the truth as you work toward securing a safe environment for children and adults. -( MHS Parent)
Please allow Jen to join the hiring panel as she truly is the parents representative at this point. After all the work she’s done and after earning the trust of the school, the parents, and even the EPA I think it would seem duplicitous if she’s not on the panel. -(Juan Cabrillo Parent)
Thank YOU for all that you’ve done and continue to do. -(SMMUDS Board Member)
You are doing a great job of dogging all that is going on and raising issues when needed. Keep it up! -( Environmental Activist)
You have just been added to my Hero list - thanks for hanging in there and standing up. -(MHS Parent)
Each one of us has the chance to make our world a better place every single day. We do so by choosing to do what is right and good, and choosing to avoid what is wrong. We have been given us an internal sensor that helps us seek good and avoid evil; it’s called our conscience. We have also been provided light to keep our conscience strong and clear. May you all be blessed by the light and love that has guided you to seek out truth and justice and in doing so you make our world a better place. Thank you for sharing your light and love with me. - Jennifer deNicola