DTSC agrees to test soil at all 3 campuses (3-12-14)

From: “Gillette, Maria@DTSC”
Subject: RE: Malibu Soil Testing
Date: March 12, 2014 at 1:21:53 PM PDT
To: Jennifer deNicola
Cc: “Cota, Thomas@DTSC”


Hi Jennifer,
I am sorry for my delayed response, I have been out with the flu since last week.DTSC is proposing to conduct a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the soil at the entire Malibu HS campus (including the Middle and Elementary Schools). The soil sampling effort will be similar, but more comprehensive than the work ARCADIS conducted in 2010. We anticipate the sampling methodology will include PCBs, pesticides, metals, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Soil sampling may be conducted anytime, with the exception of when the ground is saturated after a larger rain.We have not yet determined the total depth of soil samples at this time. We will keep you and the community posted as we proceed with the planning. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you, Maria

—-Original Message—-
From: Jennifer deNicola
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 2:57 PM
To: Gillette, Maria@DTSC
Subject: Malibu Soil Testing

Dear Maria:

I have a few questions, would you kindly reply to them.

What is your proposed plan for testing the soil on the entire campus at MHS/JC Elementary?

When do you think would be a good time to do that?

Would these tests be similar to the Arcadis tests done in 2010 that would cover a full range of toxins, VOC, PCBs, pesticides, metals, etc that could be in the soil?

How deep would your soil testing be done?

Thank you in advance for your knowledge and expertise.

Jennifer deNicola