Dec 12, 2013 Summary of Study Session

December 13, 2013

For those of you who were unable to attend the Board of Education Study Session held on December 12, I’d like to provide a summary of the activities that took place. The agenda for the Study Session can be found here

The Study Session presentation had three key points of focus. The first was to offer a review of the background and the environmental situation of Malibu High School. The second was to review actions taken to date to respond to the situation and address the employee and community concerns. The third was to assess the next steps to be taken at Malibu High School and Juan Cabrillo with a four-point action plan. The PowerPoint presentation slides can be found here

A key component of the Study Session was the information presented from governmental agency experts concerning the existing environmental evaluation at the Malibu schools. The experts included Mr. Steve Armann and Dr. Patrick Wilson from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region 9), as well as Mr. Thomas Cota from the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. These experts answered questions from the Board, as well as from members of the Malibu Schools Environmental Task Force and the public.

With the Board’s direction, the District will take the following next steps:

December 2013

  •  Select Environmental Engineering firm with Task Force participation
  •  Create cleaning plan
  •  Environmental Engineering firm will outline best management practices for useDistrictwide and assist with next steps for implementation
  •  District pre-1979 building and land audit completed and provided to EnvironmentalEngineering firm
  •  Project coordinator schedule meeting dates for Task ForceJanuary – February 2013
  •  Finalize plan with DTSC/EPA and begin further testing and management per plan outline
  •  Project coordinator begins to oversee all aspects of environmental plan
  •  Return students and teachers back to classrooms as soon as possible
  •  Widen scope of Task Force to include Santa Monica participants and bargainingrepresentatives to address Districtwide air quality plan.The video of the Study Session will be posted here I understand the urgency to have the video posted online as soon as possible, so we are working with video technicians from both Malibu and Santa Monica to get that accomplished.Sincerely,

    Sandra Lyon
