Conceptual Approach to Fixing the Problem & Removing PCBs

Conceptual Approach to Fixing the Problem & Removing PCBs

From: Ross Hartman

Subject: Conceptual Approach & Budgetary Pricing

Date: January 15, 2015 at 3:01:41 PM PST

To: America Unites


I have taken many liberties as I have do not know how many windows or linear feet of caulking requires removal. Below is an outline of a conceptual approach and budgetary costs.

Conceptual Approach:

· Measure total linear footage of caulking within school buildings

· Collect necessary samples and analyze for PCBs

· Investigate potential secondary and sink sources

· Conduct the removal of source PCBs “assumed caulking” under a Bulk Product Removal

· Conduct cleaning of rooms in accordance with previously performed techniques that proved successful.

· Conduct air testing to determine effectiveness and evaluate if more sources need removal or substrate requires management

Budgetary Pricing based on assumptions of quantities:

· Measure total linear footage of caulking within school buildings, collect necessary samples and analyze for PCBs, Investigate potential secondary and sink sources

§ $125,000

· Conduct the removal of source PCBs “assumed caulking” under a Bulk Product Removal – assumes ~20,000 linear feet of caulking

§ Between $15-$30 per linear foot - $300,000 - $600,000

· Conduct cleaning of rooms in accordance with previously performed techniques that proved successful.

§ Assumes 30 days at $5,000 per day - $150,000 (crews can be doubled up to reduce time)

· Conduct air testing to determine effectiveness and evaluate if more sources need removal or substrate requires management

§ $50,000

· Reinstallation of Caulking –

§ ~$10 per linear foot - $200,000

It is conceivable the source removal can occur for a range around $900,000 to $1,125,000. This is purely an estimate with site unseen and should not be interpreted as a cost of services. I would be happy to visit the site in the event there is interest to perform this work.

I have provided a list of projects I managed that implemented similar approaches:

  • MIT Westgate
  • Harvard Peabody Terrance
  • UMass Lederle
  • UMass Southwest Concourse
  • Lexington Estabrook School
  • Westport Middle
  • New Bedford High
  • Southeast Regional Vocational School
  • Town of Princeton – Thomas Prince School
  • City of Worcester
  • North Reading High
  • Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical High School
  • Private Developer – 535,000 SF building removal of PCBs (full removal of PCBs in substrate to 1ppm)


Ross Hartman

JM Environmental, Corp.

A WBE/DBE Certified Company

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